Monday, August 22, 2005

I Think Our House is Haunted!

A while ago, I read on my son’s blog that he thinks our house is haunted. One example he cited is the fact that he came home from work late on a Sunday evening and found the TV on, even though I’m positive I turned it off. I’m already more than a little freaked out by the thought of ghosts in general, but possibly having them in our house scares me to death. That night, at around 9:00 PM, my son had gone to bed and I was folding laundry in my bedroom. Suddenly, I hear the faint sound of music and what sounds like the theme song from The Andy Griffith Show. At first I thought it might be coming from my son’s bedroom next door, but after giving it another thought, I knew he would never willing watch Andy Griffith. Immediately, I was reminded of his post about our house being haunted and with my heart pounding in my chest, I slowly ventured down the hallway to the living room, fully expecting the TV to be on and fully expecting to put my house on the market that very day as I will not live in a haunted house. When I arrived in the living, the TV was not on, but the stereo was. We have our sound system connected to the TV. After puzzling over this for a few seconds, I realized that I must have neglected to turn it off when I was in the living room earlier navigating through the TiVo menu. While doing this, you don’t hear any sound from the TV, except for the little noise TiVo makes as you navigate through the menu system. If you leave the TV on the TiVo menu system, it switches back live TV after about 10 minutes. Even though I was very much relieved that there was a logic answer, it still doesn’t explain what happened on that Sunday evening, so I’m still a little freaked out.


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