Thursday, April 23, 2009

Packing Up

The kitchen and bathroom had to be completely emptied and everything packed away. Dan was going to start work on the Monday after Easter so I was going to do a little bit each night after work and finish up on Easter weekend. We had a generous supply of Rubbermaid totes in the garage that we'd emptied a little over a year ago when we had a huge garage sale, so I planned to pack just about everything in those. The Tupperware and other light items would just be packed away in trash bags.

While I packed, I also made decision about what I could give to the Goodwill. I ended up with about a half dozen paper grocery bags filled with stuff to give away. I also found 14 glass juice bottles that we had squirreled away in the back of one of the cupboards. We used to re-use those for orange juice, but now just buy the cartons. All of those went out to the recycling bin.

There were several late nights that week, with me deciding to clean out a cabinet or two before going to bed.


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