Saturday, August 27, 2005

Process Your Produce

My favorite Food Network celebrity is Rachael Ray. She currently has several shows on the air, but the one I like the best is 30 Minute Meals. The premise of the show is that in the time it takes us to watch the program, she'll have made a delicious and healthful meal from start to finish. Rachel herself is very entertaining to watch, especially as she gathers the ingredients for her recipes from the refrigerator and pantry. She likes to make as few trips as possible, so she loads everything up in her arms and staggers over to the counter. One of the things she always stresses is to process all your produce as soon as you get home from the grocery store. So now, as soon as I get home from the store, I wash all my produce before I put it away in the refrigerator. It's a big time saver during the week as you can just reach into the vegetable bin, pull out what you need, and it's all ready to go.


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